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Creative Strategist Alan Wolk will be joining us from NYC on Monday, February 9 from 6:00 - 8:00pm (doors open at 5:00pm) at the Fine Line Music Cafe.
Admission is free. No RSVP required. And there will be food. Free food. How can you resist?
Alan's ongoing blog series, "Your Brand Is Not My Friend," will fuel his presentation as he shares his perspective on what he sees as the critical mistake brands make when entering the social media space: the assumption that they too can enjoy the cult-like following of a "Prom King" brand like Nike or Apple. This session will discuss what to do if you aren't among the 1% of brands who achieve Prom King status; the effects of The Real Digital Revolution (the ability of consumers to research products online and how this shifts the focus of advertising); and what the future of ad agencies might look like, in light of this.
This will be a great event for anyone working inside an agency and those who work with agencies of all stripes. Alan brings long experience working in a variety of ad agencies, large and small working on major branding campaigns, and has written extensively about becoming a "tradigitalist"—one who appreciates the (traditional) value ad agencies can bring to branding, but now works primarily within the new realm of digital marketing.
[UPDATE: Alan will also discuss this very recent story making the rounds in advertising regarding Eric Silver's apparent move from BBDO to DDB, chronicled with insight by former CATFOA speaker, Adweek Digital Editor Brian Morrissey.]
We hope to see you there!
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Here's Alan's presentation via Slideshare:
Links recapping this event:
I hear that Wolk is a fascinating speaker who really knows how to hypnotize a crowd with his brilliant insights and freewheeling style. And look how white his teeth are in that picture!
I know I wouldn't miss this one for the world!!!
I love that you made the "I hear that Wolk is a fascinating speaker who really knows how to hypnotize a crowd with his brilliant insights and freewheeling style. And look how white his teeth are in that picture!
I know I wouldn't miss this one for the world!!!" comment about yourself. lol. See you Monday!
Hey- I just wanted to thank everyone. I had a really great time, you guys asked sharp questions, the weather even cooperated and Tim and Dion were most excellent hosts. Thanks all!!
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